Now with PIE 9.0 support!nn
Alined is a Light theme for substratum with line art iconography and completely vector based construction. It comes with Dark overlays for select apps!nnn
IMPORTANT READ - PIE ROMSnn• Theme supports Android 9.0 Pie romsn• Pie ROMs may have bugs due to hard coded valuesn• Please email me the bugs before giving low ratings. Bugs can be ironed out only with your supportnn
IMPORTANTnn• It is a light theme with dark overlay option for some appsn• You should have Substratum App installed in your phone - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=projekt.substratumn• Theme supports android 7.0+, 8.0, 8.1 and 9.0 ROMs with OMS supportn• Before applying
Dark Theme overlays apply all the
Light Theme overlaysn• Supported Roms so far are
AICP, AOSIP, AOSPA, AOKP, Pure Nexus, AOSP Extended, DU, and RRn• Try it with OOS, legacy or Samsung devices at your own risk. It is not officially supported n•
xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi devices are supportednn
WHAT IS INCLUDEDnn• Dark and Light overlaysn• Frameworkn• Selectable Main, accent and background shadesn• Status Bar and Quicksettingsn• Navigation Bar and Smartbarn• Battery Iconsn• System Apps and Third party appsn• Fontsn• Wallpapersnn
DARK APPSnFind here - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PwT-NKK8rrjKW_8_4b_JrfWGd9GdFIJSpSaE_O5fm7Ann
THEMED APPSnFind here - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1e7U2_91GPQUxXPQcw86WRmMutHaLpWzTkRyxz6eTxs4nn
Supported Roms list will increase with future updates. Email me for bug reports and feedback - [email protected]. Thank you..